Wednesday, 2 September 2009

UFO Sighting, Cradle Hill sky watch, Warminster. August 29th 2009

As you may have read in the Weird 09 review, on the Saturday night, witnessed by about 30 people including myself and partner Zoe was what we can only call a UFO. At 10.33pm according to my digital camera a fast moving object was sighted moving from right to left in a north-north-east direction across the sky at roughly about cloud altitude. It appeared to be moving about the speed of a military jet but no sound was heard. It was a mostly clear sky and other aircraft seen that night were audible from greater distances than this was. The object appeared as a slow pulsing white light alternating between a white glowing object and a small blueish green dot. It was visible for about 2 minutes. It first was seen travelling north-north-easterly but then changed direction and travelled away from us (easterly) fading out into the distance.

Aerial view showing flight path of the object

We know that someone took some video footage of this hopefully if it came out ok we will see it online at some point. I got my digital camera out after the object had started travelling into the distance so knew there was no chance of picking anything up. I did however record half a minute of a black sky! Which if you want to watch you can at least hear me discussing with my friend dave of the birmingham ufo group of what we were thinking at the time.

Speaking to Nick Pope the following day (he wasn't at the sky watch unfortunately) he commented that the local MoD base were aware of our activities on the hill that night so perhaps they were playing games with us. There was a point in the evening where a spotlight was being shone at the sky from the base, that was most likely them playing with us and also earlier that night there were white flashes coming from the ground over to the north east which probably has a similar explanation but whether the military would fly secret/test craft past us is another question. Nick did comment that the technology used by military test projects is at least 10 to 15 years ahead of anything we are familiar with so it does remain a possibility but until they own up to this (and we have asked) it remains an unidentified object.

We went back to the hill in the day to get another look at the area, I'll post a picture below. If theres further developments or anyone comes forward with some good footage i will update the report.

-=UPDATE 01/10/09=-
In response to our FOI request we sent to the MoD we have received the following letter:-

We have now asked Wiltshire Police to confirm the time and location of their helicopter that night. We did see a helicopter in the sky shortly after seeing this object and recall commenting to each other that it looks different and you can hear it unlike the previous object. This helicopter was seen in the distance south west of our location. I can't say with 100% certainty that the unidentified object wasn't a helicopter, just that it didn't look or sound like one to any of us. The investigation continues...

-=UPDATE 03/10/09=-

We have received a reply from Wiltshire Police:-

Bearing in mind we didn't give the police details of the time and position of our sighting merely stating we were investigating a sighting in Warminster on this night and asking where their helicopter was, they have shown that the helicopter was active in the area at the same time as our sighting. However, it's location doesn't match the location of the sighting. In fact it does match up to the location where we saw and identified a helicopter (south west of our position at 22:35). Below is a map showing our location in relation to the locations of the police helicopter. Note that it would have been travelling in a south west direction from north of our position to south west of our position. The unidentified object in question was heading north north east, east of our location. It then faded out into the distance heading east at 22:33 therefore ruling out the possibility of it being the police helicopter which was south west of us at 22:35.


The MoD say it wasn't them, the police say it wasn't them. It wasn't a commercial airliner/satellite/meteor etc so what was it? One witness commented "I wouldn't like to reach a conclusion on the object we saw"... "there was no sound but the wind, although not very strong, was blowing away from us towards the object". This is a possibility. I personally believe the object was moving too fast to be propelled by the wind on this fairly calm night but we have eliminated most other possibilities. The only remaining ones are that either someone isn't owning up to this or.. well at the end of the day I think this will be classed as a UFO.