Thursday, 21 January 2010

UFO sighting reported - Horndean, Hampshire, December 31st 2009

A written account received by email is as follows:

"We were walking home from the pub last night, and saw 5 orange/red “somethings” going at speed across the sky in Horndean and then they disappeared. There was an obvious leader, followed by 4 of them in formation. They then disappeared. We carried on walking, and then saw 3 of them again, seeming to “hover”, then speed up and go again.

I know more people saw this as they were coming out of the pubs looking at the sky.

My brother, who also lives in Colchester, saw a very similar thing 2 months ago, but this time there were 3 of them and they were being followed by fighter jets??????

We did actually think they were lanterns but they were going too fast, too uniform and too high. The first one was being followed by a single white bright light, and the other 3 following, were on their own. My husband doesn't believe in things like that at all, but it was too weird. He is today convinced that we saw something. They were travelling towards the south, and they were certainly higher and faster than Chinese lanterns.

My brother saw these a few months ago, he isn't sure of the exact date. He was convinced, as they were being followed by fighter jets that it would be in the news the day after, but there was nothing. He lives in Colchester. That is his first sighting and he isn't into things like that. I will send him the link and ask him to email you."

It is unfortunate that the video footage is unclear but are asking for any other witnesses to please contact us. We have received reports of many chinese lanterns that night so although the witnesses claim otherwise it is a possibility.